How To Do Makeup For Beginners (Step By Step Guide)

Makeup can be an exciting experience whether you are getting ready for a special day or just want to improve your everyday look. So, if you are a beginner in cosmetics, our comprehensive guide can help you! 

For makeup artists starting out, applying Makeup should be joyful and enhancing. This post will walk you through the fundamentals of beginner makeup application. And that, in return, would make you feel comfortable and prepared to embark on this artistic journey. 

On that note, let’s Dive in and discover the art of Makeup for beginners. 

How to do Makeup for Beginners: Quick Guide

If you are on the go, here’s our quick guide!

  1. Hydrate Your Skin
  2. Apply Primer 
  3. Apply Concealer
  4. Apply Foundation
  5. Apply Loose Powder
  6. Apply Eyeshadow
  7. Draw Eyeliner
  8. Curl Your Lashes & Apply Mascara
  9. Apply Cheek Blush
  10. Apply Contour and Bronzer
  11. Apply Lipstick 
  12. Check Your Look and Make the Required Adjustments
Products you will need to start your makeup

We’ve curated a list of essential makeup items to begin your journey into the world of beauty:

  • Primer: This creates a smooth base for makeup application and helps it last longer.
  • Concealer: Covers blemishes, dark circles, and other imperfections.
  • Foundation: Evens your skin tone and provides a base for other makeup products.
  • Loose Powder: Sets your Foundation and reduces shine.
  • Eyeshadow: Adds dimension and color to your eyelids.
  • Eyeliner: Defines your eyes and enhances their shape.
  • Curler and Mascara: Lifts and lengthens your lashes for a captivating look.
  • Cheek Blush: Adds a healthy flush to your cheeks.
  • Contour and Bronzer: Defines your facial features and adds warmth to your complexion.
  • Lipstick: Finishes off your look with a pop of color.

Makeup for Beginners: Detailed Steps

Now that you have your makeup essentials ready, let’s walk you through the step-by-step process of achieving a beautiful and effortless makeup look:

Step 1: Hydrate Your Skin

Firstly, you have to clean your face with a gentle face cleanser that suits your skin type to remove dirt, oil, and impurities from your Skin. Apply toner on your face and complete it with a moisturizer that hydrates and plumps your Skin.

Hydrate Your Skin

Step 2: Apply Primer 

Applying primer evenly over your face, focusing on the T zone (forehead, nose, and chin) to create a smooth surface for Makeup. It helps your Makeup to last longer and reduces fine lines and pores. 

 Apply Primer 

Step 3: Apply Concealer

Take a small amount of Concealer and dab it on areas with blemishes, redness, or dark circles. Slowly blend it in using your fingers or a makeup sponge. While choosing the Concealer shade, make sure it is slightly lighter for under-eye circles.

Apply Concealer
Source- max Factor 

Step 4: Apply Foundation

Choose a foundation that matches your skin type and undertone. Blend it over your face using a brush, sponge, or fingers. If you cannot choose a perfect foundation shade, visit the beauty store and consult a makeup expert to get the perfect shade.

Apply Foundation
Source – 100% pure

Step 5: Apply Loose Powder

After Completing the above step, set your Foundation with Loose powder, focusing on the T-zone area. This helps your makeup last longer and reduces unwanted shine. Also, lock your Makeup and create a smooth matte finish look.

Apply Loose Powder
Source- lacienciadelcafe

Step 6: Apply Eyeshadow

 Before applying the eyeshadow, fllow the steps below:-

  1. Start by Priming the eyelids.
  2. Select a neutral eyeshadow shade & apply it to your eyelids using a brush.
  3. Blend it well for darker eyeshadow.
Apply Eyeshadow
Source – temptalia

Step 7: Draw Eyeliner

Using a steady hand, draw a thin line along your upper lash line with eyeliner to define your eyes. You can do it using any pencil, gel, & liquid as well. And if You are a beginner, then go with Pencil eyeliner.

Draw Eyeliner
Source- stylecraze

Step 8: Curl Your Lashes and Apply Mascara

Curling your lashes with an eyelash curler, and after that, apply a coat or two of mascara. It gives volume to your lashes and further results in a perfect eye makeup look. 

Now, gently close the curler while being careful not to tug or pull on your lashes. You can hold the curler in place for about 3-5 seconds, then release it. You get the Perfect Eye look.

Curl Your Lashes and Apply Mascara
Source  -stylecraze

Step 9: Add Cheek Blush

For a healthy flush, apply a cheek blush to the apples of your cheeks. And go for the blush Shade that complements your skin tone. 

If you have fair skin tones, go with soft pinks and peaches, it works well. For medium skin tones, opt for warmer shades like coral or mauve, and for deeper skin tones, rich berries and terracotta hues are beautiful choices.

Add Cheek Blush
Source- Makeup

Step 10: Apply Contour and Bronzer

Define your cheekbones and add warmth to your face by applying contour and bronzer. 

Select a contour product that suits your Skin a few shades darker than your natural skin tone and has a cool undertone. In addition, for bronzer, choose a shade slightly warmer than your skin tone and the color of a sun-kissed tan.

Apply Contour and Bronzer
Source – Pinterest 

Step 11: Apply Lipstick 

You have reached the final step of your beautiful look. 

Before applying lipstick, you have to Moisturize your lip with Hydrating lip balm. After that, use a lip liner to line your lips and then pick a shade lighter than the liner to fill in your lips. 

Apply Lipstick 
Source- stylesGap

Step 12: Check Your Look and Make the Required Adjustments

Once you complete the Makeup, take a minute to look back in the mirror and make any necessary adjustments for a flawless finish.

Check Your Look and Make the Required Adjustments
Source- Pinterest

Conclusion: How to do makeup for beginners

Congratulations, you’ve completed your first Makeup look!  

By Following the simple steps, you can enhance your beauty, and you’ll soon become a pro at creating various makeup styles. Express yourself with confidence and creativity, and remember, Makeup is all about enhancing your natural beauty. 

Keep in mind makeup is all about having fun and expressing yourself, so don’t be afraid to experiment and let your creativity shine!


How to know your makeup style?

By Following the simple steps, you can know the makeup style:-
1. Know your skin tone and undertone 
2. Choose Foundation which suits your skin tone 
3. Choose blush accordingly 
4. Based on your eye color, choose the eye shadow
5. Choose lipstick accordingly

What Are the Types of Makeup?

There are various types of make you should try, but here are the three main types of Makeup:-
1. Matte makeup 
2. Shimmery Makeup
3. HD makeup 

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